Matters of the BRAIN

The BRAIN Matters

A child’s early literacy learning is powered by the brain. How all of this transpires is an amazing feat. The brain keeps the physical body working & growing, stores & recalls social-emotional memories, builds language develops thinking and reasoning capacity.

The human adult brain, a nearly 3-pound mass of matter, housed in a hard shell inside the head, holds the secrets of the body and mind. What a magnificent mushy clump! It’s covered in ridges that have crevices and holds about 100 BILLION nerve cells-neurons! This unique organ is vital for “humanness”!

Of course, the brain matters and is a must-have! Remember the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz who shares with Dorothy sadly, his hearts desire —”if I only had a brain!” Together they agree upon his wish,--off they go, skipping down the yellow brick road, excited to reach the Emerald City, meet the Wizard, get a brain for him and a trip home for her. Happy endings to be had by all. (Making a long wonderful story- - - - -oh, so short!)

Luckily when a human baby is born it comes equipped with a brain instantly ready to manage the newborn’s body functions and start the process of understanding its surrounding!

Size-wise an infant’s brain is one-fourth the weight of an adults. A newborn to the outside world may seem to be in a relaxed state-of not doing much. It’s just filled with must-haves…food, love-human contact, sleep and health care. All true-but.........deep within the child’s brain, neurons are firing and making connections. The brain is a factory filled with ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY & MORE ACTIVITY!

It’s kick-off time--the start of the big game of life.
learner has arrived ready, willing and able!

Our journey to become
READERS has already begun!


Resources & References

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Building the Reading Brain, Patricia Wolfe & Pamela Nevills, Corwin Press, Chapter 2-Brain Basics, (2009)

Early Brain Development in Children, Pamela Li, MS, MBA, Parenting for Brain,,(2021)

How Many Neurons Are in the Brain, Dr. Suzana Herculano-Houzel, neuroscientist, Vanderbilt University, Brain Institute YouTube & transcript, -the-lab/meet-the-researcher/ 2018/how-many-neurons-are-in-, the-brain-120418 (2018)


You Are Your Child’s First Teacher, Rahima Baldwin Dancy, Ten Speed Press, Chapter 1-You Are Your Child’s First Teacher, (2012)

Early Literacy Learning