Pre-birth to 12 months



Pre-birth to 12 months and BEYOND


November 3, 2023

Dancing, snapping, clapping, tapping, humming, singing with others or self are all active ways to be involved with music. Playing an instrument and/or writing songs are creative ways to express oneself through music, too.

Children love music! Mary Anderson, an early childhood music educator and founder of My Music Starts Here, shared that for children, “This is when the fireworks go off in their brains and the real magic happens. Active music making harnesses the full power of music for children and is joyful and playful.”

Music may be heard from a stage-live, or in a car-recorded, ….really ANYWHERE
there’s a source to sing or play it. Music can appear instantly when the mood strikes, round the campfire, hiking, washing dishes or ????????. Music is always within us—regardless of one’s talent!

Yes, there are truly talented singers and songwriters. Many famous musicians are writing and preforming music for the public. Others are waiting to be discovered on the internet or win “The Voice” or the American Idol competitions. Let’s not forget the third category:

- - - the wanta be’s, the wishers, the only if I coulders ! - - -

They are now realists, knowing their unique voice has a special place at home. For there lives a receptive audience and a willing participant all rolled up into one, their child. Who’s ready, willing and able to appreciate their extraordinary musical talent!.

This is my way of saying – just know it’s alright to just let go! Make music time a joyful experience, sing and dance away. Babies and toddlers really don’t care if it’s not done perfectly. They’ll love it no matter how it sounds or looks. In their eyes you are famous, a genuine celebrity, and they are your biggest fan!


“My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require.” –

Edward Elgar, English Composer

Resources & References

Anderson, Mary, early childhood educator & co-founder, My Music Starts Here, Music as a Pathway to Brain Building & Development in Early Childhood, Partners in the Arts, University of Richmond,

UNICEF for every child, Parenting, Baby music: The soundtrack to your child’s development,

Early Literacy Learning